Is my "partner hopping" unhealthy?

You didn't put your current age in the post but I'm assuming you're around 19 or 20.

On one hand, it is perfectly normal for someone you're age to date around. It's socially acceptable to jump from relationship to relationship learning what you want in a man. However, it isn't really fair to those you date if they are expecting long term, true love relationships. If they want honest commitment, then you need to think before you date. Tell the guy about your history or at least inform him that commitment is difficult for you to promise.

I was just like you. I would love hard and devote myself to the man I was with until another man would come along and make me feel special in a way my relationship wasn't anymore. Then slowly the relationship would die because I would doubt my love. And I would move on to the next guy. Rinse and repeat.

It might not feel like it now but this is emotionally damaging for you. And this can be an actual problem. After counseling, I've learned I developed this yearning for that new love feeling because of emotional issues of my childhood. If it can be an option for you, I highly recommend therapy. You learn about yourself that way.

If I could give you advice it would be to be single and actually just date for a while. No commitments. Find you're independence and your path in life first. Love second.

They say that the way a lover enters your life is the way they'll leave it. If that's true, which I think it is, then the only way to break this cycle is to be single for a while. Thats how I did it. I broke up with the man I had fallen out of love with and I broke communication with the boy that made me doubt that love. Then I focused on education and career and I stayed single and just went on dates and went out with friends and met new people. Now I'm in a happy relationship with a wonderful man and 3 years strong. Not a doubt in my mind.

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