TIL that in World War 2 it was common for desensitized US troops to murder German POWs if they were wearing American boots, as it was a reminder that one of their buddies had been killed

I have to disagree. The uniforms were too over the top for my liking; way too many insignias on some of the fancier SS uniforms, the skull and crossbones in combination with the all black/storm trooper helmets made it look like the they were trying hard to appear evil. Then again, the uniforms were certainly fitting in that instance.

I personally think Stalin rocked the best looking outfit during WWII. The all grey overcoat with the red lining and gold buttons. Nothing too wild or over the top. Very tasteful imo.

I'm not sure if the Italian partisans had any type of formal uniform, correct me if I'm wrong, but they sure looked damn good in some of the images I've seen on the web. I think it's the regular/Italian 1940s clothing, along with machine gun ammo draped around their necks and across their chests that made them appear super badass. Especially these gals here, and this guy here.

Here's another resistance fighter looking dapper in regular clothing. I'm pretty sure this guy isn't Italian, but it doesn't take away from my argument that resistance fighters looked badass in regular clothing along with some military gear.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - digital.library.txstate.edu