'It's Time for Good Cops to Do Something About Bad Cops': What do law-and-order conservatives propose to do about abusive policing?

I am getting this information from my own life experience with cops. I don't commit crimes. I don't plan to commit crimes. I don't associate with criminals. I am perfectly respectful to everyone e including cops, and I dress nice. That has not been enough to avoid getting threatened with violence, even in nice neighborhoods. That is a fact. I know many people who share my experiences. If you are from a family of cops you will never know what that is like because you could probably do the opposite of all those things listed and still be treated with kid gloves. So please consider how that might affect your perspective.

Not all cops are like that. However I have to assume they are all psychos for the same reason they assume everyone is a murderer out to get them. The cost of making a mistake in judgement is too high. And a bad cop is a hundred times more dangerous than the worst criminal, because at least a criminal will go to prison for murder and they know it. Cops can get away with murder easily, and the idea of a cop getting in legal trouble for randomly beating someone for no reason is laughable. Laughable. If you see a cop charged it is because other cops don't like them, whether they did anything wrong or not.

And I don't mean "implied" threats. I mean screaming with hand on holster type threats for walking too close to a broken water main, for example. Hell, I've seen a cop direct traffic with his rain coat pulled up so he can keep his hand on his gun. For a broken traffic light, in a nice neighborhood. Fuck that guy right to hell.

If you are talking about being a cop in some steaming shit hole that is different.

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