It's time to stop defending such an evil ideology

The Islamic community clearly has issues with integration in the UK.

Many 'moderate' Muslims hold views that would get them branded Neo-Nazis if they weren't religious and they have an implicitly hostile attitude towards non-Muslims.

The vast vast majority of British Muslims are cool dudes but it would be a lot easier to see violent jihadists as a separate entity if the communities they came from weren't so tribal or conservative.

But we can still read between the lines and with this kind of heightened anti-Muslim rhetoric you're really just calling for some shitty thing or other to be done to innocent people.

People like you act like nobody is willing to talk about the difficult topic of Islam and we're all apologists for their sometimes disturbing beliefs. But the truth is people are willing to talk.

But all your talking points are taken wholesale from propaganda websites and you're not offering insightful or constructive discourse or even being reflective of the actual beliefs of most British Muslims.

What do you even want here? What's your call to action once we've stopped 'defending' Islam?

/r/ukpolitics Thread