Today I cried because:

I cried because my parents threw a huge, extravagant baby shower for my sister - held it at a country club, invited like 80 people, top of the line everything she wanted. I am more introverted, and live on the opposite side of the country from my family and good friends. I wasn't planning on having a baby shower, but my husband really wanted one and a friend offered to help him put it together. Her husband deployed last week and she has 3 kids under 8, so her hands are full. I got stuck addressing and sending out all of my own invites. Since we are paying for it, we booked our condo clubhouse since it's free, and planned on just being cheap about the whole thing, since I doubt many people will even come. My mom said she wasn't able to come since she had a trip planned to visit her father that week. As soon as she heard my MIL was planning on flying out, she decided that she wanted to be here too and booked a flight. My mom keeps asking how much the whole thing will cost, and said she would write me a check for $500 to help cover expenses. I don't know why this is making me so irrationally upset. I don't want or need her money. I don't want or need a fancy shower like my sister. But I think it is kind of crappy that she was so careful to give my sister the exact same amount I got when getting married (they gave me $5k towards my wedding, and gave sister a check for $5k when she decided not to have one). I am upset at my mom, and upset at myself for being upset. And I am upset that I am going to have to plan and smile through a crappy shower that I don't even want. I know I am being ridiculous and emotional. Still doesn't stop the tears!

/r/BabyBumps Thread