“Too sexy!” New Final Fantasy’s hunky male lead has his revealing costume toned down

It's more that the aggression you display isn't exactly "mature" either. A big problem with a lot of movement and opinions on the internet is that they try to hurt the opposition more than help themselves. It becomes a "wow I hate the other side" instead of "I love my side". What I'm trying to express is somewhat explained in this video, you can watch it instead of reading my comment because I suck at proper expression: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rE3j_RHkqJc&index=2&list=FLVzkCgdBEzKcSP0fo65sfAA After 5 minutes he explains a bit about the problem I feel we're facing here.

If you want people to take you seriously, then being mad and angry at an unspecific group of people is very likely to hurt your cause more than it would help. If I told you "Fuck you for what you do" you wouldn't want to hear another word I had to say and you would probably feel contempt for me and everything I stand for. It's why trying to communicate what the problem is in a proper manner could help isolate the problem and work towards a solution. That's why I would much rather say "I think generalizing all people on the side of a topic as 'children' will cause people on the other side to hate yours more, and people on your side that could feel like they aren't welcome.".

Personally I have experience in changing my stance on subjects because people have given me solid reasoning, but some of those I took with huge skepticism because of how aggressive and unreasonable others have communicated. If all we do is talk about how bad the other side is we are in a sense closing the bridges that people use to cross over because our signs will simply be saying "Fuck You" and make people feel uncomfortable about crossing. It's a problem that both sides face that prevent both conversion and probability of discovering common ground. It's why my baseless opinion is that the outfit isn't too sexy. I don't know too much about the Final Fantasy setting but I think sexy outfits helps having something more unique than gritty realism. I believe that women and men should both be allowed to be portrayed as sexy and I would probably not feel that way if it wasn't for finding women in this subreddit that also comment about how all-male and all-male parties should be allowed and sexyness isn't sexist if it isn't specific to one(/female) gender.

I can make a horrible example of how Muslims are viewed because of actions of 'extremists'. They are often trying to disconnect themselves from the hate that is spewed because it spawns more hate towards them, but because they share the same core beliefs as the 'extremists' there are people that hate them while knowing almost nothing about them.

Can't wait to read this comment in a week and hate myself.

/r/GirlGamers Thread Parent Link - en.rocketnews24.com