Top Minds of /r/worldpolitics discuss how the Jews control the world media.

Your post was deleted, what did you say?

Perhaps I should not be surprised!

Especially since it still shows "1 vote" not "-500 votes"!

Here's what I said - strange indeed that nobody can dispute my carefully assembled argument.

Sometimes the conspiratard nutcase jester /u/andybea drops by to vomit his drunkard rantings. always amusing.

I've been away for weeks - every time I posted "truth" nobody came back and told me what mistakes I'd made.

For instance - what's wrong with this:

In May 1949 Israel solemnly promised that the Muslims and the Christians of Palestine would be allowed to return to their homes. Israels promised this because it was glaringly obvious that, on their third attempt to join the UN, they could only join the new community of nations if they intended to:

1) Comply with the UN Charter - taking disputes to resolution at the ICJ and putting aside the use of force against other nations except in extreme and urgent conditions.

2) Comply with resolutions already passed, both at UNGA and UNSC.

3) Comply with the provisions of various agreements (Geneva Conventions etc) on the laws of occupation, borders etc, the things it was begging to put its name to.

4) and comply with International Law generally - eg never attempt to move a border by force.

Israel made this promise once verbally to the 45th meeting of the General Assembly - A/AC.24/SR.45 - 5 May 1949:

... Mr. [Abba] EBAN (Israel) understood that the questions raised in connexion with Israel's application for membership in the United Nations were being discussed in the light of the compliance of Israel with the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly. ... Israel held no views and pursued no policies on any questions which were inconsistent with the Charter or with the resolutions of the General Assembly and the Security Council.

Then a week later Israel did it again, putting their binding promise into writing at the Laussanne conference - as everyone knows and even this notoriously Zionist source makes no attempt to dispute:

On 12 May 1949, the conference achieved its only success when the parties signed the Lausanne Protocol on the framework for a comprehensive peace, which included territories, refugees, and Jerusalem. Israel agreed in principle to allow the return of a number of Palestinian refugees.

This Israeli agreement was made under pressure from the United States, and because the Israelis wanted United Nations membership, which required the settlement of the refugees problem.

Once Israel was admitted to the UN, it retreated from the protocol it had signed, because it was completely satisfied with the status quo, and saw no need to make any concessions with regard to the refugees or on boundary questions.

Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett had hoped for a comprehensive peace settlement at Lausanne, but he was no match for Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, who saw the armistice agreements that stopped the fighting with the Arab states as sufficient, and put a low priority on a permanent peace treaty.[39],_1949

Then, having gained admission, and with no intention of carrying out Israel's most solemn promises, Walter Eytan, head of the Israeli delegation at the UN presently explained that it had had no alternative but to make these promises. But they obviously weren't going to comply with them.

"My main purpose was to begin to undermine the protocol of May 12 [Lausanne Conference], which we had signed only under duress of our struggle for the admission to the U.N. Refusal to sign would ... have immediately been reported to the Secretary-General and the various governments." - Published By Jews For Justice in The Middle East

Resolution 194, affirming the right of Palestinians to return to their homes and property, was passed on December, 1948. It has been repassed twenty-eight times.

Face it guys, none of you can dispute this, or indeed much of the rest of what I've posted.

And ... as long as your land-grabbing was riding high, you managed to silence your critics.

However, the apartheid regime is now lurching either to regional failure or to global WW3. I'm still hoping this disastrous 20c. Crusader enterprise and experiment can be dismantled without millions dead.

How about you?

Or do you only know downvoting as a symbol of your displeasure?

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