Toronto woman warns about photos surfacing on anonymous image sharing site

Unless every communication you send over the internet is encrypted.(hint: its not), and all devices involved are encrypted (hint: their not) and the cloud is unhackable( hint: its not) ..

. Hey OK ,think of it like this... Instead of text messages, you've been writing on post-it notes, and she just leaves them... Whenever she's been... The mall, grocery shopping etc... Everywhere she goes she gets your note then leaves the post it note. Anyone who can be bothered will read the notes. Anyone who can, will use the information against you. Anyone who wants to get at your digital information will. This is proven time and time again. If you want to keep something private then keep it private. Don't share it with apple or Google, don't share it with facebook or any other form of digital input. Fuck, Google records your tax returns, and online purchases from other non-Google stores. Sure as shit they'll be recording your bank statements and collect other "sensitive finical data for marketing" on you.

This is the kind of information i have to tell my grandmother.... surely you're smarter than this.

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