Trade Tuesdays - Post your ESO trades here

Hello, I was hoping to find out what you think of making a basic set for a recently CP160 magic Templar. So far, I have collected 3 pieces of Julianos after scouring 4/5ths of the world's traders for something resembling a fair price. I guess the first question would be: do you request 10k per piece like everyone else? I have maybe 40k left between finding deals and funding my crafting level. To think, in exactly a week I could craft my own set...

In any case, here is more or less what I am looking for:

  • 2 pieces of julianos (parts determined in-game when I check what I currently own). Depending on price, remaking whole set in a cool style preferable (whatever you feel fits an argonian with the heroic personality equipped) (While I appreciate improving the quality, if costly I can do so myself)

  • suggestion / crafting of a second set (I see twice born star recommended a lot, but somehow I feel like I can't afford a 9 trait set)

I can provide some materials, and after a zone or two of skyshards for passive bonuses gamble a few tannings from refining raw mats for improvements. I can better inform you on what I have in a few hours.

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