Do you think Trader Joe’s will ever offer a delivery service for customers?

it's interesting to see the amount of people who are against this. a lot of my staple foods are trader joe's, but for medical reasons i can't leave the house very often.

delivery services really add accessibility for people with issues like this. trader joe's is a small store with narrow aisles and weird layouts, so it can be hard to navigate if you use mobility aids. imagine trying to get around that store with a walker or a wheelchair! we're lucky sometimes to fit two carts down an aisle.

i guess i understand the desire to shop and linger, but that is a personal issue. additionally, to address the congestion concerns, delivery apps are not the only option. many stores, big and small, have online order fulfillment teams.

i just wanted to share a different perspective here! i know for a fact that OP and i are not the only ones that would benefit from this service.

/r/traderjoes Thread