Trans youtubers blaire white and kelvin garrah want to punch radfem activist leah tverly in the face

I couldn't get through her videos tbh. From what I saw Leah can be charitably described as eccentric. I like the 'no fucks given' attitude but she feels like someone I would keep my head down around in real life because her mannerisms speak to unpredictability. Someone like that is a boon to TRAs because they can point and shriek at her, like kids ganging up on school oddball.

However, if it's any comfort (although I might have just got blasé about it) they would find anything or anyone else to hold up as their "representation" of radfems, and if it didn't exist in nature, just make it up. That's what abusers do, you can't argue with their image, they will pounce on anything, e.g one horrible or troll comment online to represent the grand narrative they already have in their heads of a stream of constant online abuse from "TERFS". There's no way with these kind of people to try and show a good representation or say she doesn't speak for us etc. They are playing by different rules. In terms of views and popularity on YT, Magdelene Berns far more logically represents radfems, but I don't see Blaire White trying to take her on in the same way.

What you said about traction was interesting. Leah had what 350 subscribers or something last time I tried to watch a video. Blair is a famous YT personality isn't he? His mockery is likely going to propel her to massive views. I wonder if that might be deliberate, to 'justify' the 'mad radfem / TERF' image. But then I think that is a bit too clever for him, and he just wanted to drag out the oddball woman, the one who swears at rocks and knits things out of rabbit hair, to the village stocks so everyone can throw things.

Also have longed suspected Blair White is the transgender version of Milo Yannoanooawhatshissocks. Other repellent views will probably come crawling out of his mouth soon enough.

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