Transgenderism is being treated improperly

I think in time the approach to gender dysphoria will be seen in the same retrosepctive light as eugenics. The idea of gender is very muddy right now, even within the most supportive literature. Gender roles are stereotypes. None of our brains or identities perfectly conform to a gender role. Being atypical of the sex you were born into is normal, everyone is atypical in some ways.

Furthermore, there can be no true understanding of what it's like to be the other sex than one was born as anymore than someone born as a man or woman can understand the intersex experience. All we can be is the idea of something else than we are born as, our subjective interpretation, there is much more to the experience of anyones life and physical reality than can be perceived from the outside. It's incredibly reductive to treat sex as a matter of genitals, hormones, and peristant feeling or belief.

Our minds employ a lot of heuristics to make sense of this world and are extremely vulnerable to social influence, delusions, etc. Additionally, while theres biological data to show brain differences between trans folks corresponding to their identity, there is also biological data to show that persitant beliefs and habitual thoughts literally change the brain, physically. Meditation changes the brains structure. Exercise changes the brains structure. Depression changes the brains structure. Our beliefs about ourselves literally change the structure of our brain over time if they are habitual enough. It's not reasonable from the evidence to see a brain difference and assume it's the cause of persistent thoughts and not the other way around. Why is nobody positing that perisistant thoughts change the biological expression when we see all this evidence with other issues of the brain? Genes and biology are not deterministic, environment matters a lot, no gene expression happens in spite of environment, they are all dependent on it.

I have nothing but love and compassion for anyone with identity issues or mental health issues, I've been through decades of therapy and medication. The uncritical approach that's being taken right now to treating gender dysphoria with hormones and surgery strikes me as malpractice and a cash grab. I dated a girl who had dysphoria, beautiful girl who got a lot of plastic surgery and it got her nothing but regret and degraded her natural beauty. Eventually we all have to make peace with our imperfect physical reality, nothing is in execution what it is in imagination.

/r/C_S_T Thread