Transracial is a Thing

If you want to have a productive discussion, people have to agree on the context.

You must describe how you define race and gender, as opposed to gender roles, culture, etc. you must be absolutely clear about what you are referring to.

You must then provide examples of this new thing no one knows about, "transracial". Those examples must be consistent with the definitions you provide so that you can continue your argument within a well defined context.

Only then will your argument be logical and only then will you have any chance of swaying the opinion of another.

You have failed to define race in a meaningful or consistent way. You have failed to provide an example of someone who identifies as another race. If your argument requires that you aren't preaching a racist idea (again, please provide your definition of racism so that we may have context for the problem you are describing), you have failed to give that impression. You have also failed to show how, if this actually happens in reality, why it's a problem and how you intend to solve it.

Your argument is consistent with how I've seen SJWs argue. SJWs fail to provide context for their arguments, they introduce concepts without defining them or showing how they are related, they fail to show why the problem is relevant (they assume people just know), and they propose no solutions. At times, an SJW may also focus on a problem that the reader might think is a lower priority than other problems, drawing attention away from issues that a fellow SJW may actually care about as well. It's self defeating.

I hereby deem you an SJW and stop paying attention to your argument. I think the main problem with SJWs is that they haven't learned to form coherent arguments, raise awareness, organize, and influence more effectively (without being called a snowflake or a whiny what have you). I actually agree with SJWs quite a lot of the time, I just think you guys have no idea how to go about your cause. The rest of the time, I don't even know what your cause is. Case in point: this post.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread