Triple H was in the worst shape of his career in 2004

Part time performer. Wellness policy is for performers

And not for office personnel or like related positions, which is how certain guys could circumvent this, for years. However the states that have their own independent gaming commission, such as Nevada, can reframe from issuing a license for up to a year if a performer is listed as "personnel"; and was not listed so on previous event. Basically so you can't flip flop job positions to avoid testing and whatnot. I only found this out by chance asking the ex Dallas Mavericks team physician has a radio show here in Dallas, usually people just ask about sports injuries. Shot in the dark I texted the show, and asked about professional wrestling and the perimeters in which they follow. Another thing I found interesting is the owner of the event center/stadium, has the right for to assess any performer, aka physical-drug test. Because if someone is hurt and the operators of the building is at fault, then insurance picks up the tab. Unless that athlete in question was under the influence of a mood altering substance, and putting himself or fellow athletes in danger. AFAIK this has actually never happened, and is more of a deterrent. But I'm just some dude on Reddit, and could of misinterpreted the information, but seems like a logical issue?

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