What did your ex ruin forever for you?

Being alone with someone.

Being able to share literally everything, from farts to our deepest thoughts

To crave nothing more than that persons company.

To feel somewhat alright about everything even though your world might be going through some shit

To trust that even if the whole world was against me, maybe I'd have at least someone watching my back

To have her help pick me up when I fell, and yes I did fall a lot but I didn't stay down did I?

To be able to not utter a single word but know how she felt.

The way I viewed women and how they were more than just objects of desire.

To live in the moment

To have the desire to just freeze time and experience an eternity of pure bliss, simply by holding her in my arms and hearing her heart beat

To play video games with her

To make art with someone

To picture our future family with little mustaches that even our pets would have

To watch the same animes or movies

Getting caught up watching star trek on netflix

To make someone laugh and smile

To see her face light up when I complimented her looks

She probably sees nothing but the bad after 8 years of being together, that's all she can hold on to now. Not the hopes and dreams nor the aspirations that seemed buried in something we couldn't explain. Becoming frustrated because we couldn't truly express how we felt about eachother or the situation the seemed to develop worse and worse. To let it all build up and explode when it could have all been avoided more cleanly if one of us just took the steps to fix it

Its tough to find that kinda girl again but its not impossible. I can't afford to close my heart off just because I was hurt, it wouldnt be fair to the person that could truly be the one for me.

At least Im not alone anymore, not completely at least

/r/AskReddit Thread