Tripped out hard on 'shrooms (but not technically) - got caught- but we did nothing wrong!! WTF?!?


My girlfriend [F20] (let's call her Emily) and I [M24] have done a lot of psychedelic trips together, and they've always been incredible. This time was different. Emily was already very stressed and low on sleep, and we made the dumb decision to go through with our planned high-dose mushroom trip in Yosemite National Park.

I was fine with the dose, but Emily couldn't handle it; two hours later she started panicking and asking bystanders to call 911. I was trying to calm her down and I was telling bystanders that she took too many shrooms and she'll be alright. Eventually we walked to a ranger who responded to the situation. He called paramedics upon Emily's request. Immediately they put me in handcuffs even though I was being calm and wasn't saying anything. I admitted to having taken the shrooms with Emily (they were medically treating her and I felt like I needed to answer the questions for her sake) and they noted that my eyes were dilated and that I occasionally stopped responding to their questions (when, in the midst of my mindfuck, I remembered that I wasn't supposed to talk to the police to avoid incriminating myself). Emily was still panicking and resisting the paramedics and I, despite tripping hard, was telling her to calm down and that they were there to help. They still felt the need to arrest me for the day.

I stayed calm and cooperative the as they took me to jail while Emily was taken to a hospital. They're charging me with something along the lines of being under the influence of an illegal substance - likely 36 CFR 2.35(c). as someone pointed out. I have a court date in a month. I have no prior criminal history and they didn't find any illegal substances on me or in my backpack. No urine or blood tests were taken. Technically we didn't even take shrooms, but rather a legal (not for human consumption) research chemical called 4-Aco-DMT which mimics magic mushrooms. Probably doesn't make a difference though.

Any idea how this might pan out? Will I be able to get the charges dismissed? Do I face possible jail time? I don't know if it matters but they never read me my Miranda rights. This sucks because I personally did nothing to disturb the peace. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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