Trump eliminates 2019 pay raise for federal employees.

I may or may not have self-jeopardized my particular employment in Davao by publicly voicing my opinion that their cause was good and reasonable because I was too stupid to recognize the nuanced tensions on the island and half the other yankees didn't even know what MILF meant (all the Marines did though lol).

It's very similar to Indonesia, except over there it's worse because all the Salafascist/Wahhabists radicalized all the tribes who were forced by the government to abandon their traditional forest spirit religion because you can't be a citizen unless you follow one of the 6 recognized religions. Most choose Islam due to maritime history and it's also the only way to get money/toilets/electricity to the villages via efficient charities (though most of those charities are also Sunni militant fund fronts but I don't see the mormons in there putting in pipes and wires).

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