Trying to grasp a better understanding

How does being transgender work?

I take pills, I grow boobs. I don't want to blow my brains out the end.

Why are you transgender?

Because I take those pills

Where is the science?

The science to what? What are you asking here? Are you asking about medical procedures? CT scans? Hormones levels? Nature vs Nurture studies?

Why are Terfs like me wrong?

I live in a country with public health care, the last thing the government ever likes to do is waste money on quake medicine. So when we have procedures and guidelines for treating transgender people I'm going to go with Doctors, Psychologists and Psychiatrists who only care about fixing people over some bigots who are more focused on 'social' issues instead of practicing medicine.

There is PDF outlining how a doctor should treat a transgender patient in my country. Doctors don't give a shit about social issues here because they're to busy practicing medicine that shows to have effective treatment.

TLDR: Medicine>Feelz

/r/asktransgender Thread