Why do people with DID hate tulpamancy so much?

DID can mean that an individual's been shattered and reassembled into an unwittingly plural being who is unaware of their plurality. Sometimes, the perpetrators who injured them spiritually invade or try to cuckoo their assailants. For someone who experiences this, it's like having a tormenting imprisoning malicious spiritual occupation built atop of or out of the fabric of their life. Given this introduction to plurality and magick, it's little wonder they're fearful and wary of endogenic plurality and tulpamancy and it's no surprise they feel burned or abused by higher dimensional reality. In truth, they're experiencing confusion or even self-defeating exploitations emerging from within from the untouchable ghosts of their abused past rising up and steering their life intimately in unending violation. Needless to say, once you discover something like this, you start raising a ruckuss to high heaven in protest that you were never informed and never consented and none of that should 'count' because it was never you.

/r/Tulpas Thread