Why tumblr care so much about gender?

One, the ham thing is just because that's a thing someone would probably do on tumblr. And two, it's important to where I have problems and feel really uncomfortable being refered to as a man and feel discomfort with my body, but it's not important enough for me to be super bitchy if someone gets it wrong. Not that that anyone gets it right really. I'm only out to one person offline. That being said I will be EXTREMLEY bitchy if someone tells me specifically that I'm not valid despite dysphoria or tells me to "go back to Tumblr" or some shit like that (this has happened). If someone is a dick about it and I'm not involved I'll generally keep my nose out of it, but if I am and they aren't willing to be respectful I will rip them a new asshole. As for how important it is to my personality, it's pretty much what you'd expect. Most people view me as an effeminate male, which is fine by me, it's about as close to my actual gender as I can really get while being in the closet. When people use insults on me like 'girly man' or 'pretty boy' it's almost flattering. The biggest complications I have is relating to boys (most of my friends are girls resulting in gay labeling) and the fact that my parents won't let me wear/do anything they concider "too feminine", especially my mother. Again my gender isn't important enough to where I absolutely hate them for it, again because I'm not out in reasonable with it. But even if I was out they likely would not be okay with my identity or how I present myself, and the few guy friends and some girl friends would likely make fun of me then leave. But the ones I suspect would do so are the ones I'm not too great of friends with. So, yeah, my identity is important enough to hold on to, and I stand by the fact that it's real, but it doesn't make my life hellish or cause me to be 'oppressed' (a term used too lightly now), it just causes minor depression and complications. I hope this wasn't too rambly or long winded.

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