Why are women almost universally attracted to ego in men?

often associated with good traits like ambition, drive, decisiveness, humor, etc. Women like that.

I am all of these things (and don't need to prove them to anyone), yet I am not full of ego or "confidence" or whatever euphemism women want to use because it has a softer connotation to it. Regardless, I've never met any woman who was into these traits (besides humor) regarding myself. Intelligence seems to be the biggest turn-off regarding every woman I've talked to, but so is being a "dreamer" or "ambitious" instead of "living in the real world and earning a fucking paycheck at McDonalds." Obviously though, this is a small sample size and can't speak for the larger population.

A lot of the times, guys with no confidence just aren't that great to be in a relationship with. Sometimes they are needy, need constant assurance, insecure, whiny, lack ambition, is a pushover, sad all the time.

Okay, I understand this. But why do egotistical guys who think they're perfect make for a smoother relationship? I don't understand that.

What is so wrong about being attracted to someone who clearly is comfortable with being himself?

I never said there was anything wrong with it. I said I don't get it because I would NEVER want to be with a girl who only talked about herself, how great she is, how awesome she is, etc. To be honest, I like modesty in a girl. Someone who admits they have good things about themselves and bad things. That's what I'm asking; WHY do girls like guys who only talk about how great they are? Men who are egotistical, cocky, arrogant, confident, etc. I don't care what label you want to call it.

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