What are some common misconceptions about Christianity, so common that even some Christians believe them?

Well, I will tell you what I can. I came to Biblical Unitarian by way of a very long life journey (which I won't try to post here).

It starts with the belief that God is a singular being, with Jesus, His Son, also being a distinct and separate being altogether and totally subordinate to God our Father. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God. So it is completely non-Trinitarian.

Biblical Unitarians differ in their beliefs around the world, but all hold the belief that God is one God, and His Son Jesus is not God at all. Some believe that Jesus either always existed or was created by God at some point before, what we know as, the universe (Arian), and others believe he was created at his human birth (Socinian). I tend to lean more towards Arian.

The two groups, or denominations, of Biblical Unitarians that I know of are the Church of God and Christadelphians. Here is a good website to visit and learn more.

Biblical Unitarians primarily believe in the necessity of the Bible as the source of religious truth. I personally believe that God works through us by way of the Holy Spirit, and so when we read scripture in the spirit God enlightens us as He Wills. So, while I believe the original manuscripts of our bibles were pure and untainted by human error, I think God still uses the scripture as we have it now to guide us - regardless of what human error may have done to it. In a nutshell, if we want to know what God's Will is for us, what direction we should take or how we should live, we pray, read the scriptures, or both. We don't simply take someone else's word for it and all advice should be compared to that.

Biblical Unitarians are usually conservative theologically, absolutely believe in Jesus, the crucifixion and resurrection, and the authority God gave him, and don't appear to believe that only those who adhere to strict creeds or denominations/churches are 'saved'.

I should stop here and let you know that I'm not a good representative of Biblical Unitarianism because I only believe what I believe from reading scripture, praying, and researching. The website I posted can give you much more insight on it than I can, but I will answer any questions you might have if I can. :)

(And thank you for asking about Biblical Unitarianism.)

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