I typed this comment on a youtube video about Dying Light 2 today and I put so much time in it I thought it could have a place here. To anyone who'd be interested in some random guy's unnecessarily detailed opinion about a videogame : This is for you :^)

Even though it's there, and I did notice it felt different, I don't see the big issue with zombie combat to be completely honest. I still love the way they swing around after each hit, and I still find the dismemberment super meaty and satisfying. Cutting through a thick mob, beheading everything in my way is still just as fun as I remembered it. Now to be completely fair, I rarely - if ever - use blunt weapons. Nor did I use them in DL1, because I didn't like the way they magically put giant holes into ennemies when you hit them. So maybe it's more noticeable when you do use them. Or maybe I'm just stupid. Either way I'm pretty sure the problem is already being adressed as its one of the main complaints rn. I did notice, on the other hand, that hitting an ennemy with a bladed weapon didn't leave visible cuts in their clothes and skin like it used to do in DL1.

I still think combat has seen an overall improvement though, I personally don't think this downgrade could outweight all the upgrades. And my point was just to give my opinion on what is to me better in DL2, as, like I said, everything else has already been said a thousand times haha.

(And on a side note, in case you don't know, there are apparently already mods to restore the physics ;) )

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