u/PoppinKREAM explains why are so many individuals and organizations coming out against Brett Kavanaugh's nomination.

He lied about the definitions of sexual acts.

Asserted without evidence. Multiple people have come forward to say that they remember the drinking game, and "boofed" appears as a synonym for farting in at least one dictionary. (Plus, the idea that you can use Urban Dictionary as a source for eighties slang, as many are, is rather silly.)

He lied about why he puked while drinking excessively.

He said he had a weak stomach, so both beer and spicy foods caused him to puke. I'm not sure what you think he lied about.

He lied about the legality of his underage drinking.

He never claimed that it was legal; this is based on misreading his testimony.

He lied about the claims from people who supposedly supported his side of the story.

Saying that they refute the account is reasonable when every potential witness says they don't remember it. I agree it was a poor choice of words, but it can hardly be called lying.

Republicans are the only people who still give a shit about the Clintons.

But the left is obviously still upset about Donald Trump winning the election, which is what he was referring to.

Republicans are also the ones who stole a Supreme Court seat - for Gorsuch.

They didn't give consent. Was it a nakedly political move? Yes. Was it "stealing"? No.

Remember how he had to deal with exactly none of these allegations, even while the election was fresh in everyone's minds?

The Democrats thought they could filibuster, and McConnell used the nuclear option. There wasn't time for allegations like this after the Democrats found out that they didn't have the votes to prevent his nomination.

Feigned ignorance and projection are inexcusable. Peddle that shit elsewhere.

It's not "feigned ignorance." It's having read around ten gish galloping articles and actually fact-checked their claims against the transcript, repeatedly discovering that they're lying about Kavanaugh's testimony.

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