Ukraine Won’t Attack Russian Territory, Zelensky Says

I am so fucking sick of people giving a shit what Russia says.

Ukraine can retake the Donbas & Crimea and Russia isn't going to treat it the same as if Ukraine crossed into Russia proper.

The Russian government can bitch and moan all day long but there is no fucking way in hell they're actually operating under the idea that their land-grabs are a settled matter. Particularly since they forced Ukraine into a larger war, they underestimated the world's ability to mobilize such an effective elastic defense, and they're now holding the sole ability to end this conflict at a moment's notice.

I know you're just looking at it from their point of view, but the language used matters. Russia's publicized interpretation of anything in the war no longer matters. They are the enemy. Of course they will make threats and puff up their chest about their demands. You don't have to worry about that shit until they actually posture for war. Until then, its just sabre rattling and it makes them look ridiculous because we're still going to be handing over long-range missle platforms before this conflict is over.

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