The Uncharted film won't be a direct adaptation of the games

I think modifying the original story for film is fine, but making a story so far removed from the original is what's ruined every other video game adaption.

It's incredibly disingenuous to market your product with the brand of another when your version is only tangentially related.

Know your audience: If you're adhering to the fan base then they want to see the actual characters properly represented in a story at least somewhat similar to the games, even if not entirely the same.

If the fans aren't your primary target then the story has no reason to change because they'd never have seen the original to begin with. From a production standpoint it's a no-brainier since the narrative's already written for you.

I have little hope for this film. Not just because of the story but because it's written by a no-name director who has no experience in feature films, and because literally every other feature video game film has failed massively.

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