Understanding my brother: Why would a 23M sleep with prostitutes and lie so much?

I know a ABCD guy around his age (25M) that his shit together, went one of the best universities in the country, has a job on Wall St in Investment Banking making bank, and bought his first home and he does a lot of this stuff too. He parties, drinks, uses apps to hook up with girls, travels, and sleeps with prostitutes. Despite successfully hooking up with girls, he still sleeps with prostitutes because he loves sex and likes to sleep with prostitutes around the world, those are his travel goals lol. So point being that you can have all your shit together and still engage in this type of stuff. Also I think OP is harping on the prostitution thing, she probably can’t imagine her baby brother sleeping with prostitutes, but prostitutes are people too with feelings/emotions and should not be looked down upon just because of what they do. If you like sleeping with prostitutes and you want to spend your money to do so people shouldn’t judge. It’s interesting tho that OP’s brothers sleeps with prostitutes while also having a GF so he’s not being faithful to his GF and that’s where he needs to be called out.

/r/ABCDesis Thread Parent