Unfortunate But Season 8

This subs hate boner for Sansa is more epic than boatsex and stronger than signs for CleganeBowl.

It's insane...like why is she worse than Cersei or The Mountain or Ramsay or Jofferey or LF or any number of evil people? On the scale of evil, she's wayyyy down on the list. She was raised to be a stereotypical medieval girl, got massively shit on, and survived the world beating her ass 24/7. She was also a teenager, and those are annoying by default. If anything, she's a huge victim here. I'm surprised she hasn't become a basket case.

You all seemed to miss her little speech about saving Winterfell for her family and missing her family and wanting to save Rickon and WARNING JON ABOUT RAMSAY and asking about Arya...you know, her family. I don't get why you people don't understand why she didn't tell Jon about LF. TRUST ISSUES, it's not because she wants him dead..FFS. She learned to trust him, which is why that whole battlements conversation took place. I'm sure they discussed BOTB more off screen. Now that she knows he's good, her arc will be solely on her family. That's it, that's her arc, and show Sansa will find it this season. No Jon betrayal, no kinslaying, no Sansa/LF shipping, no queen in the north, none of that BS. AND HAVE YOU ALL NOT READ THE LEAKS?

What I love, and what someone said in another thread, is how the rabid haters call Sansa stupid and naive and worthless AND a evil master manipulator who is somehow scheming to kill everyone...all at the same time! I bet $5 says someone can pin the Wall falling on Sansa. How about $10 says Sansa kills Drogon? $20 says the WW are Sansa's secret plot to kill everyone because "reasons".

Anyways...rant over. No kneeling. I need a few chickens and some ale. Happy Sansa shitting, everyone.

/r/freefolk Thread Link - i.redd.it