This or That: Phreak Accident

At the same time, there's a video (either qt's or Travis') of DL and qt when the latter went to NALCS early in the split in which DL calls out qt on shittalking about Olleh (which he did onstream, saying DL must've been super mad that Olleh was playing so boosted at MSI). I don't know, to me it seems clear the tweet was directed at the fans, DL was just joking on stream, and that people are looking at things the way they are for the sake of drama.

DL and Olleh clearly aren't best friends, but I don't think that means they can't have synergy as a bot duo even if they have different playstyles. The truth is there's a lot of people who would rather see DL with another support. Every time Olleh underperformed since last split, you got people saying TL should've gotten Biofrost, and this split it was asking for TL to get Smoothie. I think this is the only reason this narrative can be pushed: a lot of people simply want another support for DL. You see the same type of comments about Pobelter and Impact when they underperform.

If this were really an issue, I'm sure TL would've traded either in the offseason or before trade deadline/roster lock. I truly think people are looking way too hard into DL and Olleh's interpersonal relationship.

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