Unifor, which represents approximately 1,800 workers at CP, who conduct safety inspections on all rail cars and locomotives, as well as maintenance and repairs, issues strike notice at CP Rail.

CP workers aren't lazy, quite the opposite. There is simply a work shortage because the CEO laid off so many workers when he took over in order to see how lean he could run the company.

By the time business picked up, they were desperate for workers most of the guys laid off had already found other jobs. Managers schedule work and crews. If you have been waiting all day for a crew to do some switching, it is not the crew's fault; they do what they are told and when.

There are rumours that the new CEO doesn't care too much about customer satisfaction, only shareholders. All of the changes in service are a result of (non-union) management decisions.

You're ragging on the wrong group of people, which makes you look like an asshole. What makes that worse is that the old way of working, which you were so happy about is exactly what the workers prefer! You rag on, "lazy," employees, but seem oblivious that the company did everything they could to disincentivize the way work was done before. The company purposefully made changes, and you as a customer suffered.

Workers want early quits; meaning they want to get the job done fast, then go home. They don't want managers breathing down their necks trying to fire them for everything.

You honestly think the workers are going to put up with all this additional hassle and bullshit, and still work themselves to the bone in order to make customer's happy? Where is their incentive? There is no incentive to take short cuts anymore as they make the same amount if the job takes them 4 hours, or 8. There are no bonuses, there are no early quits, and there is no appreciation.

The strike supports what workers wants, in order to get them better working conditions, like they were before the hostile takeover. Not supporting the strike means you are supporting the managers of a company who are making decisions which affect your business; the current hostile environment really makes it an union versus company issue.

If you think it is bad now, just wait. Wait until every work job is a beltpack crew of only two guys. Right now the management is focused on making their numbers look great on paper. I wonder where customers fall on the scale of importance when the goal of the company is to increase its share price and operating ratio? Management wants fewer crews, running fewer jobs, and have fewer guys rested.

You should support the strike, the workers are the people who do the work, and help you make money. Management is trying to screw that all up. How can you honestly think that won't negatively impact your business? If it isn't going to be a strike, you can bet it would be a lock out. Either way, the customers are going to suffer because the company is not willing to budge on their crazy demands.

/r/canada Thread Link - unifor.org