United Airlines stock down over 5% premarket trading

I wonder how many idiots shorted it and will get a short squeeze in a month.

this news is good news. it means united is sellng so many seats per plane that they are having people litterally beat eachother up over those seats!

amazing. when you are selling goods that people are willign to physically fight over you know your selling somethign good!

If your selling more goods than you produce to people who nevcer will ever actually see those goods your going to profit.

anyone who thinks this news is bad for united has better get with the real world.

hey how is wells fargo stock doing after getting ride of all those white trash accounts . oh i mean after scamming the low income high risk indivudals. oh i mean humans.

before the scandal wells fargo was at 50. after the scandale wells fargo in 6 months is at 55.

psh guys see a company willing to break the law to profit is good for ivestors! any idiot should be able to understand that. even if they do not like it it is how the world works!

tl:dr; I would buy united and sell in 6 months. a nice flipping opportunity as been awoken. have you seen oil prices? all the emotional sellers right now creating profit for the psychopaths among us!

/r/investing Thread