Unjerk Thread of December 05, 2019

By “Margaret Thatcher” I basically meant “biggest fucking asshole who conservatives will love, but who’s objectively evil”. So that would probably also include Tony Blair. My point is that if nobody leftist voted, none of the good PMs would have ever gotten into power.

There are no good PMs.

Yes, I’m clearly a drooling fucking idiot who thinks electing a single good person will solve all the issues in the country.

That’s obviously not gonna happen, but standing by while the cons elect another asshole bEcAuSe iT dOesN’t mAtTeR is just fucking stupid, because, like I just said, if nobody attempts to get good people into power, only bad people will get into power.

Right, but the problem is the power structure itself, not the individual person.

Even the "right" party in power can do bad stuff, just remember schröder and syriza.

That's what I wanted to make clear in the comment above.

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