Unplanned pregnancy, how do i get his support? Am I asking too much?

Don't listen to that guy; he's just being a dick and this doesn't concern him other than make him feel like he's superior to you, a stranger. You need to think about what you really want and try your best to calm down so you can think more clearly. Do whatever you need to do to calm down. If you want touchy-feeley stuff to help you clear your head and also some reasonable advice (advice from probably some people who have experienced this as a woman like you, not as a guy), try posting on some of the other ask-whoever subreddits like /r/asktrollx or /r/askWomenOver30.

You're in a shitty situation, but you know one thing: you want an abortion. Just get it; that's the most important and you need to protect yourself, and then you can worry about the next shitty tier of things you might be worrying about (like, do I want to stay with this guy? How does this make me feel about myself? etc.)

I question why you won't let him pay 100% of the money. Why? Why is half the money your responsibility when 100% of the pain and suffering is ALSO yours? And from dude's perspective, he's getting a bargain for paying for the costs of an abortion vs. the costs of child support.

Stop thinking about what HE wants and trying to change HIS mind about this. You need to be in survival mode here. You are a modern woman in a semi-modern society, and YOU CAN DO THIS. You don't NEED him on your side. You don't NEED his emotional support. This isn't the 1950's any more; that won't stop your heartbreak, but THIS IS NOT GOING TO RUIN YOUR LIFE. Stop worrying about him and the future right now; you can worry about the relationship and your mental health and all that in a few days.

You are stronger than you think, and you WILL survive this and you WILL become stronger and wiser for this. This is embarassing and confusing and humiliating, but goddamnit, that's what some of the best people I know have been through. HANG IN THERE; STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM.

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