Update 21.1.0: Chains of Harrow

you're misunderstanding me - i don't want normal users to suffer. That's why i am so salty about heavy exploits and third party tools because they make normal players suffer in long term. i failed to explain that previously so i'll try again - if big enough playerbase exploits or find a way to trivialize frame weaknesses to then in long term statistics the mesa usage and overall power rating will be oversaturated with whats essentially cheating. When balance changes take place they will balance Mesa according to those statistics or with DE's own sense of judgment. So if you use third party tools or cheat with high sensitivity or rubberband on thumbstick then it will hurt the normal mesa players.

ofc in this subreddit nobody gives a shit about warframe future since most of peeps here use macros, third party applications and afk craft foundry with scripts ( eh mah gard it's no big deal). Or worse bs - people dont want warframe to be fixed like for example the the very source of all afk grind - trinity ev. Just because they enjoy breaking and abusing it.


/r/Warframe Thread Parent