[UPDATE 3]Me [40sF] with my BF [40sM] 3 years, how do I become more OK with his porn use?

LOL at your last line.

He had a job - it was delivering pizza, actually, so he doesn't feel like that sort of job is beneath him. But it wasn't making enough money for him to pay his share of the expenses. He was giving me some money every month - sometimes the full amount we'd agreed to and sometimes not. Each time he came to me with less than the agreed-upon amount, he was very sorry, very ashamed, and said he would work harder on finding a better job that would pay sufficiently.

I think he got overwhelmed by it. I've experienced the paralysis of depression before myself, and I also know that men's egos are often more closely tied to their jobs and provider status than women's are, so I was trying to be supportive and to not emasculate him, and bottled up my feelings of anger and frustration that he wasn't putting forth a better effort of finding a better job.

He should have looked harder, and I should have been more emphatic than I was about how important it was (he just wasn't hearing it as urgent when I kept telling him, month after month, that I couldn't keep on going the way we were, but I didn't try very hard to make it MORE emphatic because I was trying to be sensitive).

Toward the end of the summer, though, he began digging in harder, and wound up with a great job. He's now making more money than I am, actually, and pays his share of the living expenses with no hiccups. The bad time was about 9 months, and he's had the good job for about 4 months. I just need some time to establish a new baseline of what the financial norm is in order to feel secure about it, and I need for him to be more proactive about our financial future. But he definitely turned things around - I just had some lingering resentment from before he did that, and because it had gone unaddressed, it was leaking out into other aspects of our lives.

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