MnK Players: nErF aIm aSsiSt!!1 Also MnK Players:

Exactly. I assume it’s a coping to explain their deaths so their egos don’t have to admit they got outplayed. On both sides of it.

The people who constantly complain about AA act like controller players are instant glued to their targets and can track any and all movement with their eyes closed. They never die because a controller player got good at the game and was able to effectively track them, it was simply the AA. And when the controller player is not able to effectively track them, idk I guess the AA just forgot to kick in? Lol. Idk how they really explain the inconsistency if AA is basically aim bot, but I’m sure someone will chime in with some mental gymnastics X’D

And same thing with people who complain about MnK movement. That octane wasn’t able to do that because he decided to pick up MnK earlier today and now he’s tape strafe all over the place lol. He got good ;)

Neither input makes the game easy. Both inputs require you to master them to be good. If someone outplayed you, it was because they practiced enough to be able to perform at that level. No one’s picking up apex as their first fps game and just beaming people left and right because of the input method they chose ;)

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