[Vent] I don't care how "friendly" your dog is

This exact thing has been driving me crazy lately with my boyfriend. He has had a dog longer than I. And the dog is a very good boy but he runs up to other dogs and my bf loves having him off leash. I keep telling him he needs to train that out of him but he always says "dogs like other dogs they won't kill each other" and I'm dumbfounded. I mean he let my bloodhound mix offleash (seconds after I asked him to hold onto her) and was surprised and offended when I said absolutely not, he did not understand that some dogs can never be off leash . Idk how to even get it through to him. He gets so defensive. Dogs are like people. Not all of them like each other and if the f*ing recall isn't there DO NOT LET THEM OFF LEASH. Idk what to even do, life isn't like a coming of age tale most times.

/r/dogs Thread