Ex is on my instagram page?

i'm never gonna be 100% over it, he was my first love and i included the part that i am happy with my current bf because i was expecting to receive a comment like yours. of course i care about my ex, he will always have a place in my heart, but i know the relationship is over and i just started dating this new guy that i really like. my post has nothing to do with the new guy though, i just included him in case someone was gonna tell me to move on which i guess it didn't work from keeping comments like that away. i get that i may be reading too much into it, but i am still curious because i had intentions of one day reaching out to him when enough time has passed to see if he wanted to be friends. and i had full closure until his name popped back up on my screen and reminded me of him. i just want to know where his mind may be at to see if there's still a chance for us to be friends, not because i am still in love with him. i can be happy in my relationship and still care about someone who was important in my life. and 4 months is the same length of our relationship so it's not uncommon to be over it by now

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