A very simple request with regards to RevxDev

Throwing the word "homophobe" around like shit in a monkey sanctuary or pinning every criticism RevXDev has of AGGP "homophobia" is an issue.

I do know at this point RevXDev is definitely guilty of making some typically homophobic comments towards AGGP. Rev and AGGP at this point are the only two people actually continuing with the drama anyway. But at the baseline, when it all started and as far as I'm concerned, all RevXDev was criticize AGGP and DE for allowing him to be on the stream. There was nothing homophobic about anything he had said at all, it is very similar to becoming uncomfortable in the presence of someone whose on your doorstep or on public transport acting flamboyantly and speaking about how many dicks they've sucked on a park bench out loud to everyone, something I have actually experienced and promptly asked the person to shut their mouth, immediately followed by being called a homophobe.

His behavior is the exact reason I don't watch his videos. That same behavior that seems to actually supersede any personality he had to begin with, and is a stereotype damaging to people that happen to be gay. I personally just cannot stand it even if it is meant for a comedic effect, its not something I look for in my entertainment.

Rev makes actually made an acknowledgeable point about his problem with AGGP: "[...]Talk about that somewhere else, I don't care! But why in an official stream?[...]". Obviously he could have just not watched the Stream, I think it at least has some bearing. I can emphasize with him on that because I would have felt uncomfortable at that point too, but not feel forced to continue watching. After seeing this mentioned in so many places and seeing so many of my favorite Warframe youtubers participating in this drama, I have to say I'm pretty disappointed. It could have all simply been avoided by choosing to not respond to RevXDevs angry comments.

So, as a person that has experienced homophobia directed towards me and ostracism as a result of how people like AGGP act, I do not feel RevXDev is a homophobe at all (despite how 'extreme' some of his comments have been). I can just see he is attacking the most obvious part of AGGPs personality, or what little there is.

Either way none of this has been remotely 'worth it'. The guy is just angry he got banned, and lashing out at people because of it.

/r/Warframe Thread