Veterinarians of reddit, what’s a clear sign that someone is a good parent to their pet?

I think the issue was that our vet was not the one who recommended the treatment plan. The vet who gave us the treatment plan made everything seem relatively simple: feeding tube, sub-q fluids, enemas, etc., but in reality, none of it sounded simple to my family, nor did it sound like a cakewalk for our cat, especially given (outside of surgery) that this was almost guaranteed to occur again in the future. This was her second bout with obstipation from mega colon in 6 months, each time leaving my poor cat miserable. The first interventions failed. The second set seem like too much. I’ll give the second vet the benefit of the doubt and chalk it up to a communication error, but nonetheless, if your not the original vet, must you work off the assumption that the primary vet had dropped the ball somewhere and had not properly explained the issue at hand?

All told, once the catheter was inserted, the vet was very caring and professional as our pet passed. But I sure wish I didn’t have to endure those first five minutes prior to that.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent