Video compilation (and gifs) of what you can live through while wearing The Ram in Crucible, and why it's crazy good PvP armor [x-post from /r/CruciblePlaybook]

First off, thanks for downvoting my comments because hurr durr I disagree.

Ask any Warlock that's ran voidwalker in PvP how many times they accidentally bitch-smacked a wall with a volatile ball of "Fuck you." Bet you'll get an average in the double-digits.

"Almost no aiming" doesn't mean press the button and herpa derpa it auto tracks to the nearest enemy through walls. You know what I'm talking about. Offensive supers other than Golden Gun have a massive AOE that you cannot dodge without some massive luck.

I've never had an instance where I one-shot killed a Bladedancer, even with a Felwinter's-tier shotgun. This is including the time I put the full spread of buckshot into the guys head.

Has been shown and proven on this sub that a 365 Felwinter's Lie can one-shot Bladedancers. This is not true with Ram-equipped, max armor specced Sunsingers. Proven.

You mean to tell me a super that can consistently get 3+ kills as long as you don't activate it in someone's line of sight and get shot for not taking cover is one of the worst supers out there? Got it. On the topic, though...

In close range, which most of these maps are, Golden Gun is inferior to most other supers because of the fact that other supers can be cast around corners. You literally Fist of Havoc the corner and kill the Hunter on the other side without being in danger. Before you say "you should be in cover, far away," realize that *the maps are designed with CQB to be the majority of the engagements. Long range almost never happens compared to short range firefights.

Obviously in long range, as I stated in the other comment, Golden Gun can beat the other supers no problem. The issue, as I said and others have said many times, the maps are designed to be more CQB-based than long range, sniping.

You know what the solution to that is?

Don't activate it in front of enemies. That's not something that should even need mentioning. You know that enemies can kill you mid-animation and that it'll waste your super. So use it behind cover. Suddenly that disadvantage isn't even a thing anymore.

Ever activated your Golden Gun in cover and had enemies just run away using corners to block LOS until you run out? That's the issue with Golden Gun. Suddenly, your solution doesn't work.

Seriously, it's like throwing a Nova Bomb and wondering why the enemies didn't all scramble to run into it. That's gotta be the most asinine complaint about a Hunter's super I've heard, and I've heard it a few times to boot.

I don't think you understand what anyone is saying then. It's not like throwing a Nova Bomb in the middle of nowhere. It's like throwing a Nova Bomb, but half way into your Nova Bomb, some Titan decides to Fist of Havoc you and instagib you before your Voidwalker has a chance to wave his hands around like an idiot before throwing it and you lose your super.

What you don't understand is that the way the maps are made, Golden Gun is severely underpowered compared to other supers. With the way supers are set up, Bladedancer is, while not severely underpowered, one of the weakest, CQB supers.

Over all, Hunter supers are not as strong as Titan Fist and Warlock supers. Titan Bubble is a bit useless, most of the time as it loses to all other supers, really. I'd rank Golden Gun and Bladedancer above Bubble, but below the other supers. They just don't stack up in terms of defensive/offensive power.

So, as a closing, I'd like to, again, thank you for misusing the downvote button.

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