[video] Listen to the Vegan Allegiance and amplify your compassion

You equate it to what you want, it doesn't make it true.

I'm not here to bash, I'm here to question instead of blindly agreeing, which you seem to expect me to do in some fascist way.

And you still admit to drinking alcohol occasionally, so you take stuff that isn't healthy occasionally, but meat is where the arbitrary line is drawn? Hmm.

You keep saying demonic like it should mean something to an agnostic.

I don't think you have any actual knowledge of human genetics the same way an antivaxxer doesn't know anything about virology.

Cows can't give constent, so by your arbitrary definition, a cow is raped every time a bull mounts it, meaning all animals are constantly raped. But I think you know that's a bit silly.

Your diet doesn't bother me, your attitude and ignorance does.

There is evidence linking vegan items to cancer. Case in point, Yerba Mate has been linked to oral cancer.

By owning a pet you are exerting control over the life of an animal. Did he consent to being neutered?

Finally, I have no love for you because I don't know you. Love, like respect, is earned, not deserved. Thus, I don't care about you. You could vanish from the face of the earth tomorrow and it would affect me none.

/r/GetMotivated Thread Parent Link - youtu.be