Visual Representation of Mental Disorders

Literally none of these are accurate besides perhaps the Bipolar and Schizophrenic photos. As someone with OCD, anxiety, depression, and transient tick disorder literally none of the mental disorders I have were accurately depicted. Obviously everyone Is different but generally there Is consensus on what a mental disorder does to someone hence why we name those patterns of negative brain function. Anxiety feels like you're choking and every thing you have to do feels like throwing another hundred pounds of weight onto your already encumbered back. Depression feels pretty much like giving up on life, generally that's what happens. As someone who has had several bouts of depression It's nothing like drowning, It's like being a zombie; nothing brings you happiness, and killing yourself Is just too much trouble In a deep depression. OCD Is rather taxing and incredibly unrepresented, OCD doesn't simply have to do with making sure everything Is perfect, It usually has to do with intrusive thoughts that require a ritual ( Compulsion that prevents the intrusive thought from actually becoming a reality ) and depending on the severity the rituals and intrusive thoughts could be constantly be popping up, meaning you are constantly doing rituals, perhaps up to a fourth or more of the time you're awake, leading to absent mindlessness, as you need to do X to prevent or further Y. Sorry to break the news to you art folks, but mental illness Is far more disgusting and horrifying then these idiotic pictures, all the subjects seem scared, not at the end of their ropes ready to give up on everything to simply stop the torture. Probably just another SJW trying to score some points for some of that consent slip signed pussy.

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