I have a question about the general community

In my county, they take up an extremely large percentage of the population.

What country is this and what percentage? Because statistics on psychopaths are very few and the ones I've seen tend to agree that psychopathy is roughly 1% of the general population.

I should mention that I have come to discover that psychopaths inherently find autistic people to be creepy.

Based on what? You're own anecdotal experiences? Never mind that anecdotal evidence is inherently flawed, you couldn't have possibly met enough psychopaths knowingly to ever make this general statement.

By what I have discovered in my study, it is because we do not function like an average person, and the psychopath relies heavily on social cues and body language to control people, simply because they cannot naturally function as a normal human being

Is any of this actually backed up by anything more empirical? From studies I've read, psychopaths do tend to be well equipped at reading people, bust mostly their actions are just learned from a young age, rather than being constantly calculating and reading.

because aspies have such a hard time picking up on these things and/or interpereting them, they see us as creepy because we make them feel insecure and vulnerable.

Again, never heard of this, would need some more verification. I doubt people with autism make any psychopath feel vulnerable and insecure, since psychopaths generally have a hard time feeling anxiety.

In the end, it seems to me like you're painting a picture in a way that you want see yourself as, rather than what actually is. Because your description of people with Aspergers and people with Psychopathy is generally contradictory to the consensus.

And to answer your question. The autism community, specifically, does not see them so negatively, it's than generally people see them negatively, mainly because psychopaths are portrayed as serial killers in movies and on the news.

/r/aspergers Thread