A visualization of the horrors of Qatar

You created a strawman as well. And you didn't even have to see my history to avoid that.

I explicitly stated that every WC and Olympics ever awarded was correct, including the 1994 WC, goes to show that i don't really care about kissing anyone ass. My stance has always been consistent despite the hosts. Its a football and sporting issue, FIFA being a private body, an old boys club actually, has no business meddling in global politics. There is enough shit and players already.

As for humanitarian issues, i leave that to the Govt and put my criticism there and in fact since the context in regards to Qatar is South Asia emigration, i have personally done more-on the ground-to help people from India and Nepal than possibly 90% of this sub. But that is another debate and as you said, you don't have the luxury of knowing my history either.

And you might check the theory about 10 year development change post a WC/Olympics. There is a paper on this as well, written long time back. It goes basically like this. When a FIFA WC or Olympics takes places in an authoritarian regime, that regime collapses or the country changes with 10 years. The only exception so far being Mexico where the Centralized Govt took 14 years to change but it changed nonetheless.

China might be the only country to buck this, but we still have till 2022 to see and then they most likely will have another Olympics that year.

Being on this so called gift of Free Internet for close to a decade+ now. I know the global psyche pretty well and that of the developing world even better having lived there. Qatar, Dubai, and the entire ME was a cesspool on the issues that are being brought up currently.

No one did jack shit. THIS is the only fact one needs to keep in mind. Everything else is noise and propaganda.

They getting the WC by outplaying the West at their own game, outraged the West, esp its media so much that they finally woke up, and instead went on a hypocritical rage. The arguments against FIFA have been there since the 1930's and they were on their zenith in the 60-80's. No one gives a crap about FIFA or Qatar or Middle East.

ME is a capitalistic region. They practice modern economics. Simple Labor demand and supply economics are in play. When you have 10 guys getting paid $100 and a 100 more desperate enough to risk life to get into the country to work for just $10. There is no incentive to change jack. This is/was the situation in Qatar. Without an incentive they would not have changed.
A WC there is an incentive. And anyone who has followed the South Asian region for more than 10 years will know the changes are happening. Qatar in 2020+ will not be the same Qatar of 2000. And that is a Fact because they have an incentive to change. Take away the WC, why in the fuck would they care, they are the richest bastards on the planet and have an endless supply of labor, a supply larger than the population of England itself. And neither will the west and its media care because there is precedence to back this fickle short term outrage driven memory of the modern Western world.

This is the on ground reality. This is realpolitik, living and understanding in the real on ground world and its complexities and inter-relations. You and your arguments belong in a book, on a post, and hyped hippy rallies. Good luck though.

/r/soccer Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com