Wall Street Trading Megathread

Now im not saying that stocks and crypto are a scam at all. They are great LONG term investments. But im sadly seeing people fall for this same internet subculture of " day trading" that i fell for as a naive college student.

I too fell into the many youtube ads / twitter accounts / forums like wall street bets that sold this idea that you can day trade your way to millionaire status with bitcoin back in 2018. It is a slippery slope and i hope someone who reads this doesn't make the mistake i do.

The people that are the head of this movement are these twitter accounts / forums like wall street bets that take a certain stock or crypto buy it then tell there followers to buy it and to HODL or keep your stock because they tell you its going to rise.

What people dont realize is that they are telling you to buy it and hold it because they are essentially taking your money. Once all the minions who are told to buy these stocks buy them the leaders sell all their shares and make a healthy profit. This causes the value of the stock or crypto to start falling. Its called a pump and dump. You are essentialy trading each-others money and clasp to the idea that your stock is going to keep rising when the people who sold you this idea have already cashed out to the bank.

And when these pump and dumps drop they DROP. Most, like me, will sell out of fear when these stocks start plummeting below their buying price. Its like a domino effect and people panic sell.

If you are not an experienced day trader or one of the people who are picking the stocks that are going to be pumped and dumped BEWARE the leaders of these scheme are capitalizing off your naivety.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread