Walmart Officials Plan To Cut Thousands Of Jobs Through Store Closures, Automation - Walmart credited the tax plan for its recent bonuses and pay increases, while at the same time quietly planning to eliminate stores and create facilities that have no cashiers.

Good for you. I spent 8 years in the military as a combat medic and was seriously injured during my first deployment limiting my ability to fucking walk. I have horrible PTSD and dozens of other issues including undiagnosed illness that makes my skin have horrible open lesions and I shit blood. I've nearly completed a bachelors in a field that I can actually work in, and would love to have a more competitive resume so I've asked about free certificates because I went through an old list and found that almost all of them are no longer free. I mentioned the first two because they were still visible on my tabs. But you keep doing you you condecsending pille of shit. If this country collapses in a new revolution I don't gaf if I die, as long as I get to watch you and your loved ones get mounted into the guillotine first. You worthless fuck.

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