Why weed is illegal: Adam Ruins Everything

Weed is legal here in The Netherlands and that's completely fine with me. I support people in other countries who feel that it shouldn't be legal and it should be their own choice but weed is most definitely harmful (albeit not in an immediately lethal way).

Living in an environment that many Americans push for I just look around and see people addicted or dependent on weed, similar as they would be to cigarettes. Anytime they are under the influence of weed they grow unproductive and there have been cases where it caused or amplified a negative mental state.

I don't believe in it as a gateway drug and I do think that usage should be decided upon by the individual however people seem to always take it one step too far saying it's entirely harmless and we should think nothing of it.

Reddit has a pretty big weed culture, I respect that. But you can't keep an argument standing when it is only partially true for the sake of trying to steamroll the opposition with zero tolerance towards them. Hell even this video just casually brushed off the fact it affects developing brains while the majority of users are without a doubt younger people. Hell chances are that if you are an adult you became a user earlier in your life and if you weren't you ARE the minority.

It's a substance that shouldn't be illegal, but let's not waive the responsibilities that come with usage.

/r/videos Thread Link - youtu.be