Will it ever get better?

Hey, I'm also 27, and in a similar position. I'm actually pretty talented in a number of fields, yet it seems like the world is designed in such an antagonistic way that I just can't seem to get a grip on things, and so a lot of the time I hate myself. I've messed up and hit rock bottom more times than I can count, and every time it seems like the "potential" I should be reaching gets farther and farther away. Even though the last two years have been some of the worst in my life so far, I am actually much more at peace than I was when I was younger and much more successful.

It will get easier, but there's always going to be a struggle and you kind of have to accept that on some level. You gotta trust that nothing lasts forever and that you will get better at whatever you're facing if you stick with it. To quote the end of Bojack S1: it gets easier, but your have to do it every day.

Honestly, I'd recommend getting into meditation if you haven't already. And not some stupid "mindfulness" app, I mean like real, actual meditation techniques and philosophies from real religions and traditional practices. I was about to go on a big spiel about concepts that have helped me, but it's probably best if you discover them for yourself. There are some great books by Thich Nhat Hanh that I found insightful, also "Zen and the Art of Archery". There are also a ton of Alan Watts speeches out there that I found helpful. Sorry if that's not satisfying advice, it's just what's works for me.

Either way, I believe you can make it through. It will get easier. Also, for whatever it's worth, I am impressed with your effort in trying to improve your situation, and you should be proud of yourself.

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