[WEEKLY DISCUSSION PLEASE COMMENT] Is Shia-Sunni Unity becoming a lost cause??

Did the Prophet show respect for the beliefs of idol worshippers?

Did you just compare people who say la ilaha illa 'llah, Muhammad rasoolu 'llah to idol worshipers?

If we respect Sunni lies then why are we even Shia? Either Abubakr was a usurper or he was a legitimate ruler. Either Umar was a zealot who committed crimes against the prophet and his family, or a holy man who must be praised. Either Othman was a gluttonous horny beast, or a loyal Sahaba. There's no third option, there could be no compromise.

You're a little extreme, and it's kinda scary.

Things are never so black and white. The choices are not criminal or perfect, there are things in between. People who do both good deeds and bad deeds. You don't know what is or was in anyone's heart, and it is not your place to judge them, only Allah (swt) gets to do that.

Even the prophet (pbuh) had love and respect to his people when they were both persecuting him and doing shirk. He did not go around mocking people and calling them liars and kafirs, but listened patiently to them and then shared his verses. You can disagree with people, but it's the quality of a muslim to be respectful.

This is a war they started, they're pushing, they're after.

Who is they? Don't generalize. The average sunni person is just a peaceful person leading a normal life, going to work, taking care of their kids, and praying 5 times a day. Don't dehumanize people. You are doing the same thing extremists do when they generalize a few to everyone and then use it as reason to go out and kill anyone.

O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is Accepting of repentance and Merciful. (49:12)

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